welcome to part six Of Twenty sixteen. As you can see we should have been on page 22 by now, as this new post starts on 22nd January, but due to circumstances and forgetfulness on my part I have missed out quite a bit.
22nd January (Friday)
Spoke to Danny on whatsapp - he is also waiting on the Lord for work. Things are very quiet at the moment. Bad time of the year for business.
Ruth got pleasant surprise - Discovery paid R815 into her banking account.
Feeling a bit better today. - gout improving - not as painful and discoloured.
Rose (domestic) going to Zimbabwe for three weeks, leaving after work on Friday 29th. Something to do with her daughter's birth certificate which she needs for school. (Will bring us a temporary replacement).
This throws all of our plans out of zinc. We overpaid her with R200 in December - she knew but kept silent. Once before when she thought we had underpaid her she was very quick to complain, so we knew she was fully aware of the situation.. (She works three days a week).
Earlier in the month when we were forced to use the money we usually keep to pay her we had decided that we would pay her on the 6th of each month as with the over payment she was only due for payment on the 6th of February and we could keep it that way.
Earlier in the month when we were forced to use the money we usually keep to pay her we had decided that we would pay her on the 6th of each month as with the over payment she was only due for payment on the 6th of February and we could keep it that way.
Ruth hadn't discussed it with her yet, and now the bombshell. Where do we get the money to pay her on the 29th. I suggested to Ruth that she should tell her to only leave for Zimbabwe on or about the the 6th of the month, when we would be able to pay her.
Waiting on the Lord. He is in control. He will lead us and guide us through every circumstance and situation. We must just be patient - put on the full armour of God. Faith and Trust is what we need now.
"I will never leave you nor forsake you!"
Deuteronomy 31:6 and Hebrews 13:5
25th January
Had whatsapp from Ryan. He has changed the colouring on my blog as requested, and also did some other alterations which is cool.
Worked on blog for the first time after a break of a few days due to gout and other health problems. I actually managed to do two more posts.
26th January,
Woke up at 4.20am. It was rather chilly in my room, Worked on tablet, blog etc, until 6.30am
Fetched a blanket from linen cupboard and went back to sleep.
Woke up at 10am and went onto laptop after having something to eat. Managed two more posts on blog.
My feet are still very swollen.
28th January
Got hearing aid today for left ear. Absolutely marvellous. Ruth had to see her doctor after my appointment and so she parked under some trees so that I could be comfortable in the shade while waiting for her. I could hardly believe that I was hearing birds chirping in the trees. It took me a long time to believe it till I eventually saw some of them..

Also while travelling in the car I could hear some of the lyrics from the C D she was playing. Then when we got home I could hear the dogs panting from excitement. Usually I would only know they were panting when I saw their tongues hanging out and the happy expressions on their faces.

I could also hear the microwave oven timer bleep.
Previously I could hear it rather faintly but now it was loud and clear, but the strange part was that it was at the back of me and on my right hand side and I could only hear it on my left which was rather confusing. This of course was because my hearing aid is for my left ear.
Thanking God for my two sons who provided me with this wonderful hearing aid.
to be continued
next post 24th April
Previously I could hear it rather faintly but now it was loud and clear, but the strange part was that it was at the back of me and on my right hand side and I could only hear it on my left which was rather confusing. This of course was because my hearing aid is for my left ear.
Thanking God for my two sons who provided me with this wonderful hearing aid.
to be continued
next post 24th April
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