Did my Bible verses on Pinterest - time changed because of inability to access internet - used to do it at night now do it in the morning.
Still unable to work on my blog.
Hip and right leg very sore today. Whatsapped Daniel.
Checked ginger beer - fizzing nicely, had to release gas twice, 3pm and 8pm. Put in fridge even though I had hoped to wait longer, but fizzing was too strong. Afraid of bottles exploding.
19th - Woke up early - 7am . Did my Bible verses on Pinterest plus pinned some other pins.
Slept most of the day - very tired and don't have much energy.
The back door key has broken off in the lock. Andre has promised to fix it tomorrow. Worked on blog tonight. Found my toolbar and message was no longer garbled. Managed to do a post on fireworks.
20th - Slept late. Sally attacked Vlooi again, for no apparent reason. I was far away at the other end of the lounge and Ruth was in her room sitting at her laptop. Usual story to separate them, got a few nicks and scratches.

Andre sent a guy with a new lock and keys, but he had no idea how to remove the old one. Said he would come back later but never did.
Late afternoon Ruth and Amanda worked on the lock. I don't know what they did, but after praying about it they managed to fixed it without removing the old lock.
21st January - Woke at 10am
Had been awake at 3am due to itching legs and feet. Hives again. Took an allergex and massaged with coconut oil managed to go back to sleep.
Steve phoned hearing aid is ready Ruth made an appointment with Dr van der Merwe for Tuesday next week - 28th January.
Worked on transferring data to laptop from tablet - just over an hour.
keeping mind renewed - no negative thoughts allowed - trusting in God alone.
to be continued
next post 17th April
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