part two (by Val Grieve)
I must admit that it is extremely difficult to believe that an ordinary person could rise from the dead, but Jesus Christ is no ordinary person. Amazingly enough, even unbelievers have fallen over themselves to pay tribute to Jesus and His teaching.
Bertrand Russell, the well-know atheist and philosopher once said "There are a good many points upon which I agree with Christ a great deal more than professing Christians do!"
Mick Jagger of the "Rolling Stones" said, "Jesus Christ is fantastic and something to base life on."
As a lawyer, I know that evidence like this, from witnesses from the other side, carries great weight. By common consent, Jesus Christ was unique, the greatest man that ever lived. This being so it is not so difficult to believe that He rose from the dead. His life and teaching demand the miracle of the resurrection.
A famous QC once said, "when I have a poor case in court, I make a long speech, but when I have a very strong case I simply call the witnesses."
He was right, in any court of law, the best evidence is that of a witness who speaks from first hand experience. That is exactly what we have here.
On at least eleven occasions altogether, more than 550 people saw Christ after He rose from the dead. Let me as a lawyer call two of these witnesses; John the disciple and Saul of Tarsus.
Now how do we test the evidence of a witness? In law there are three well-established rules for this.
first - evidence must be first-hand and not hear-say. Hear-say is what Tom Jones told Mary Smith who told me! Such evidence is obviously unsatisfactory. First hand evidence is what a witness speaks what he himself has seen and heard.
secondly - The value of any evidence is greatly increased if it is corroborated. One person might be mistaken, but if I as a lawyer, can bring more than one witness into court, who will testify in favor of my client, their evidence will be just about conclusive.
thirdly - The value of any evidence depends upon the witnesses' standing. What about this test? You have read what sort of man Paul was. The witness of someone of his intelligence and social background would certainly be accepted in any court of law.
Christianity is not ancient history but current events. Ever since the first Easter Sunday there has been an unbroken succession of millions of people who can witness that their lives have been revolutionized by contact with the Living Christ.
Professor Tony Holland, of Salford university says: "As a grammar schoolboy, I was told that the Bible was unscientific and that Jesus Christ never claimed to be the Son of God. I am ashamed to say that I adopted these views uncritically, and held them until my late twenties. Then for the first time in my life I began to think seriously about the subjects of life and death, good and evil, the failure of human beings to live harmoniously together, and the reasons for human existence.
The first question I asked was 'is there a God?' On consideration, it was inconceivable to me that the complex system of which we are part could have occurred without a Creator. Two other things occurred to me at this time:
First; that there was evil in human beings, including myself and that this evil was naturally occurring and did not have to be learned.
Secondly; that it was likely that a human being could have some sort of personal contact with the Creator of life.
When I started to read the Bible again (this time with an open mind) it fitted together like a jigsaw puzzle. Jesus claims to be the Son of God, the Truth, the Way and the Life. In the Bible we learn that Jesus died on the cross for our sins and then rose again to a different dimension of divine life.
I discovered this vital life in Jesus and became a Christian, when at the age of almost thirty, I sought forgiveness, through Christ, for my sins.
The change was radical and complete. The Living Christ becomes more real to me as the days go by. I find in Him a source of peace and security which a mere scientific knowledge can never bring.
The case for the Resurrection rests, but this is not the end of the matter.
Above all the Resurrection demands a verdict. We cannot be neutral about it. It is either the greatest fact in the history of the world or the greatest deception of all time. There is no middle ground.
The most important question in the world is:
As a lawyer I would like to demand a verdict from you, by asking you two questions;
(1) Do you believe that Jesus Christ rose from the dead? our original question "what happened to Jesus?" still stands. We must find an answer; was this fraud, fantasy or fact?
A former Lord Chief Justice of England, Lord Darling once said: "No intelligent jury in the world could fail to bring a verdict that the resurrection is true. I submit that the only reasonable answer is that the miracle of the Resurrection took place.
(2) Do you know Jesus Christ as a Living Savior? Many people believe that Christ rose from the dead, but this is not enough. If He rose from the dead then He is alive today. We can meet Him and know Him for ourselves. This is what it means to be a Christian.
We know Christ as a Living Savior Who has changed our lives!
This is the end of the document I copied so many years ago.
next post 29th November

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