Hello folks,
I have been following doctor's instructions on eye treatment, but today Saturday 20th August am feeling completely off-balance and it has nothing to do with my eyes.
When I got up this morning I was light-headed, bumping into walls and furniture like an intoxicated person and really battling not to take a fall.
When I told Ruth she immediately took my blood pressure, discovering that the diastolic measure was way too low. Because of my age it is normally 90 which is not a bad read (80 is normal) but now it was in the very low sixties. Not a good sign.
After doing some research, she tries her utmost to get me to go to hospital. I refuse, not that on top of everything else. Ruth takes my blood pressure fifty times a day - seems like.
August 21st - blood pressure still down in the 60's sometimes as low as 61. Siastolic too high but more worried about diastolic.
Monday 22nd - Sue's birthday
Monday diastolic now back to high 180/95 but going up and down - not constant.
My eyes are also starting to feel a lot better, Ruth will now make an appointment for lazer treatment next week .
Tuesday 23rd - Eyes not so good again. Ruth is very angry with me because she has used up all her airtime plus R20 of mine in order to sort out my lazer appointment. It entailed calls to the clinic and Steve and she could only get an appointment for 5th September. Once again it is all my fault. If I had had the lazer treatment the previous Wednesday this would not have happened.

5th September - today is my appointment for lazer treatment. 4.30pm. Eyes still not too good. Very red and swollen.
Dogs upset as usual when they see I am going out and they hate it. This applies to Harry, Benji and Vicky the other two don't mind too much.
Not feeling too well again. Think it is the blood pressure but no time to check it.
Hang in there! Never, ever forget that God is in control. He will never leave you nor forsake you!
next post 27th November
next post 13th November
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