(copied from
But is it true?
In books, magazines and TV documentaries
the Jesus Seminar suggests the Gospels were
written as late as A.D. 130 to 150 by unknown
authors. If those later dates are correct, there
would be a gap of approximately 100 years
from Christ's death (scholars put Jesus' death
between A.D.30 and 33). And since all of the
eyewitnesses would have been dead, the
Gospels could only have been written by
unknown, fraudulent authors.
So what evidence do we have, concerning
when the Gospel accounts of Jesus were really written? The consensus

the Gospels were written
by the apostles
during the first century.
They cite several
reasons which we will
review later in this
article. For now, however, note that three
primary forms of evidence appear to build a
solid case for their conclusions.
. early documents from heretics such
as Marcion, and the school of Valentinus
citing New Testament Books, themes and
passages (see Mona Lisa's Smirk).
. Numerous writings of early Christian
sources, such as Clement of Rome,
Ignatious and Polycarp.
. discovered copies of Gospel fragments,
carbon-dated as early as 117 A.D.
next post 28th February
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