
Sunday, 4 February 2018


                                             ONE HEARTBEAT       AWAY

     PART 79

(copied from Mark Cahill's Book)

Now, if everything depends on faith, Just what
is faith anyway?  One thing faith is NOT is a
 feeling. You can be exercising great faith without any emotion or physical sensation. 

You believe that what you are sitting on now will
hold you up. You believe it with perfect faith, yet
you feel nothing about it. 

On the other hand, doubt is a feeling.  You can 
certainly feel emotionally and physically 
disturbed if you think that what you are sitting
on may collapse at any moment. So, doubt is a
feeling, not a spiritual element at all. But faith 
is not a feeling. It is a settled choice arrived at
by a decision of your will. "That chair looks 
Okay to me." And you sit without thinking 
further. You are just trusting in your choice of

It is the same with faith in  Jesus' love for you,
and His arrangements for you to be saved. 
Once you decide there is not necessarily any feeling or emotion involved.  You just know
that Jesus is your Savior and  you rest in His promises without entertaining doubts.

Each thief had a choice of how to treat Jesus. As
a result one went to heaven and one went to hell. 
You too have a choice. 
Whatever you decide to
do with Jesus will
determine where you 
will spend eternity. Think about why He came and what it means to you 

This is a faithful saying and worthy of all 
acceptation, that  Christ Jesus came into the
world to save sinners; of whom I am chief.
(1st Timothy  1:15)
Howbeit, for this cause I obtained mercy, that
in me first Jesus Christ might shew forth all
longsuffering for a pattern to them which 
should hereafter believe on Him to life
(1st Timothy 1:16)
Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances 
that was against us,  which was contrary to
us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to 
His cross.
( Colosians 2:14)

"Blotting out "  means cancelling, writing 
'paid in full,'  on the list of our debts to God."
When Jesus said,  "It is finished,"  He meant
all prophecy had been fulfilled regarding 
Messiah's work on earth of paying humanity's 
sin debt "in full."

And think about this: Your debt was paid 2,000
years ago! Justice has been served, and God no longer looks at you as a sinner headed for hell, 
but as a beloved child getting ready to return 
Home to Him. 

The only "if" in the situation is this: All this is
yours IF  and only if you decide to accept it.

next post 5th   February

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