The Lord lives, blessed be
my Rock
and exalted be the God of
my salvation
The heavens are telling the
glory of God
and their expanse is revealing
the work of His hands.
Day to day pours forth speech
and night to night reveals
There is no speech, nor are
there words
Their voice is not heard
their line has gone out
through all the earth
and their utterances to the
end of the world
In them He has placed a tent
for the sun
which is as a bridegroom
coming out of his chamber
it rejoices as a strong man
to run his course
Its rising is from the one end
of the heavens
And its circuit to the other end
And there is nothing hidden
from its heat.

save the Lord
And Who is a Rock, save our God
It is God that girds me
with strength
And makes my way perfect
He makes my feet like hind's feet
and sets me up above my high
He teaches me to war so that a
bar of steel is broken in my arms
You have also given me the shield
of Your Salvation
Your right hand holds me up
and Your gentleness makes me great
You have enlarged my steps under
so that my feet have not slipped.
next post 17th February
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