
Monday, 26 February 2018


                                           ONE HEARTBEAT              AWAY

      PART 92

(copied from Mark                                                    Cahill's Book)

Chapter nine

Decisions, Decisions.

Christianity has not been tried and found wanting.
It has been found difficult and left untried. -
 G.K. Chesterton

Timothy McVeigh said something very 
interesting before he died. His last words
were:  "I am the master of my fate, I am the
captain of my soul."  
He was quoting from the poem "Invictus, and 
he was right in the sense that he got to make 
the decision where he would  be spending
eternity. But he was completely wrong if he 
thought he was in control for all of eternity.

The God of the Bible is in control.  However, He does allow you to decide who or what you will
worship. By the way what is your decision
going to be?

One of Frank Sinatra's most famous songs was
called "I did it my way."   But my way, your 
way - nobody's way, but God's way is going to
cut it on Judgment Day. Are you ready to do it
God's Way?  We all walk to the edge of the
canyon of death. We all step off the edge.  The
only question is : Do you have the right
parachute?  Do you have the parachute that
will softly land you in heaven?  Or will your
parachute not open, landing you in hell with
a thud?

Some people think they will live this life they
way they choose and then, when they are old,
they will get right with God. But here is
something to think about:  Whether you are old
or young is not determined by your age, but by
when you die. 

If you are 18 and you are going to die at age 80,
you have a lot of life left. So, relatively speaking
you are still a very young person. But if you are
18 and you are going to die a week from now, 
then relative to your lifespan you are very old.
We think that "old" people have walkers or
wheelchairs, but that is no necessarily the case.
In depends on when you die. That means you
don't know whether you are old or young, no
matter what age you are. 

I have a simple question 
for you:    Can you 
guarantee that you are 
going to wake up
tomorrow morning ?  
Of course you know you
cannot guarantee that. 

The Bible says :  For yourselves know
perfectly that the Day of the Lord so cometh
as a thief in the night.
(1 Thessalonians  5:2) 

Since you may not have tomorrow, make today
your day of salvation. 

..... behold now is the accepted time; behold now is the day of salvation.  
(2 Corinthians 6:2)

You shouldn't put your head on your pillow
tonight unless you know that heaven is your
eternal destination, after you take your last

next post   1st March

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