Mark Cahill's book
Nobel prize continued
I was talking with a man one day in downtown Atlanta, and I asked him a question about spiritual matters. He replied that he was an atheist and that there was no way to prove that there is a God.
We were standing between tall buildings , so I pointed to one of the skyscrapers and said, "Prove to me that there was a builder for that building." He answered, "That's easy. The building itself is proof that there is a builder."
He was 100% correct. We know that you don't just gather some concrete, pipes,
windows, paint, wires, etc., then turn around and look back to suddenly find a building. A building requires a builder.
I said, " Exactly. The building is proof that there is a builder." I then added, "The sun, the moon, the stars , the oceans, the sand, each unique snowflake, the 3 billion pieces of your DNA that are different from mine, are absolute proof that there had to be a Creator of this universe. "
He looked at me. I could see the light bulb flash behind his eyes, and then he glanced away. As he thought about that statement, he realized he had provided his own proof.
The fact that you can't see, touch, taste smell or hear the builder of a skyscraper doesn't mean that such a person doesn't exist. You don't need any amazing faith to believe there was a builder of a building you can see; you just need to look at the evidence and make an informed decision. And the best piece of evidence you could have is the work that builder left behind.

The evidence left for us to look at is all the evidence we will ever need in order to know that our universe has a Creator.
Something from nothing.
Imagine this scenario:
Billions of years ago a dark substance began to evolve from nothing. It came out of nowhere. Then there was a big bang. We don't know what caused the bang, or why, but it happened.
As many millions of years passed , this substance developed a fizz to it and became sweet. Millions of years later some aluminium molecules formed from nothing, gathered together and wrapped themselves around this liquid in the perfect shape of a cylinder. The aluminium then formed a pop top on the cylinder.
Forty or fifty years ago, some red and white paint molecules fell onto the can forming the words "coca cola," an expiration date, and a complete ingredient list. Wow! That is amazing.
This example given by a friend of mine, describes an absurd way of thinking. It would be an insult to your intellect if I insisted that the above scenario were true. This universe is infinitely more complex than a can of coke - yet for some reason people are content to believe that it just came out of nowhere - that something came from nothing. But if a coke can and its contents couldn't happen by random chance processes, how could something as orderly and intricately designed as our universe have been assembled merely by chance? Logically we know that is impossible.
One night I noticed a youth football practice going on across the road from where I was speaking, so I went over and began a conversation with a man who was there to watch his son play. As we chatted he told me that he was Jewish. We talked a little about the Jewish faith, but he mentioned that not only was he not practicing his faith, he was actually an atheist. I found a Jewish atheist to be a very interesting combination.
It was a beautiful night, - nice and chilly, with a bright moon and a canopy of stars . I asked him, "when you see this beautiful creation on a night like
tonight , doesn't it make you think of the Creator Who made this place? " He admitted, "That's what I'm struggling with." He was struggling because he knew when he looked at the sky, that this awesome creation had to come from somewhere. Someone created it, but the question is "Who?"
Next post tomorrow 4th July.
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