Hello Folks,
31st March. I have not been feeling well for a while now. Electrician is back to finish his work. Apparently there was a loose wire in the switch box and the earthing has some faults that needed repair.
Saturday 1st April, wake up at 5am feeling really rotten. Go to toilet and have the runs. Am very nauseous and vomit about a teaspoon full of blood.
Now on three antibiotics. Too nauseous to eat. Living on dry biscuits and jelly.
It is now Monday 10th April and the first time I am writing my blog because I was too ill to do it. Did not think I was going to survive.
Fortunately my blogs are mostly written in advance and so even on my darkest days I somehow managed to keep it going, though they sometimes appeared on the wrong days. When I was too ill to post I made up for it the next day.
I have been more or less okay now for the past two days and am now eating normally again. Praise the Lord for He is good.
The blogs I neglected were "Jokes" and "Recipe time" .. I missed quite a few of those but they are inconsequential . The Scripture blogs are the ones that count.
I am having great difficulty with my back and am really battling to walk now. It is not easy to get old and frail, nevertheless I must learn to be content - and always remember that God is in control.
Roz paid us a visit sometime in last week - I can't remember what day it was - she was going to come again on Wednesday 12th or 13th, but that did not happen. We enjoyed her visit and looking at photos of their new life.
Friday 14th April - "Good Friday" - Charmaine comes to work - as it is a public holiday we just let her clean the kitchen and then send her home.
Late afternoon Sally bites Ruth quite badly on her right arm. She was trying to break up a fight between Sally and Vlooi (as usual) She does not have any antibiotic medication but puts antibiotic ointment on the wound. Does not look good at all.

for a couple of days now and
Ruth puts her on treatment.
Saturday 15th April, my back is still very sore. I am even finding it difficult to go to the bathroom now. I think it is because of lack of exercise. This place is so small and confined I cannot go for any kind of walk especially as I need my walker and it does not fit in everywhere. There is nowhere to move.
Sunday 16th, receive a call from Japie - he has noticed that there has been no activity from me on whatsapp and correctly deduced that I am out of airtime or data and kindly sent 1Gb data to my tablet. More proof of how God takes care of our needs, without a word being said to anyone - is that not awesome?
Monday 17th - another holiday- we again have Charmaine to just clean the kitchen and then work full day on Tuesday 18th, when she catches up on backlog of ironing our clothes.
next post 23rd July
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