Hello folks,
I have been drinking citro soda now, three times a day, for quite a few days now and my back is no longer as painful as it has been. Ruth is not well though. She has somehow hurt her ankle as well and is limping badly.
We have included fresh mixed salads in our daily diet for a few weeks now. We seldom eat cooked vegetables.
Today - Tuesday 25th April is my three monthly visit to the heart specialist . Danny will sit in the car with dogs Harry and Benjy whilst we are in the consulting rooms.
Doctor is very pleased with my progress on "warfarin" everything has improved wonderfully. He also gives me a script for "celebrex" for my arthritis. My next appointment with him is in six months time which will bring us into October.
Wednesday 26th April - exhausted after trip to town and spend the day sleeping to recover.
Friday 28th - Danny arrives to fix tumble dryer but cannot finish the job as he does not have a "pop riveter" he will find out whether Thea's dad has one he can borrow.
Monday 1st May - anniversary of my Dad's death 53 years ago. Charmaine works half day as it is a public holiday. I get sent a new cell phone from a very good friend as my old one no longer works.
Once again God has provided. Isn't He awesome?

The new phone needs to
be registered of something
before it will work so Ruth
takes it to Vodacom on
Tuesday 2nd May - but the
power is off in town all day and so nothing is achieved.
Danny arrives and fixes the tumble dryer. And Ruth and I receive an invitation to a pizza evening to celebrate Andre's birthday. We don't go but Ruth bakes him a chocolate cake and they send us some pizza.
Wednesday 3rd May - Andy pays his money into Ruth's account and is disgruntled because Ruth has not applied for a disability grant as yet. When he questioned me I told him that she was too ill to do anything about it , but found out that she had been trying to contact the doctor who has all the necessary details to supply the paper work - she has since managed to contact him and has an appointment for August. We will take it from there.
Steve sent his money to my old phone which is no longer working so now we must try to sort that one out in order to get the money.
We must remember to "Wait upon the Lord" this is one of the main lessons He is teaching us, in these trying times.
next post 30th July
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