Hello folks,
Friday 5th May Ruth goes to do our shopping and finds a pack of five chickens marked R55 (R5.10 per chicken) at "Fruit and Veg" - when she gets to the till the cashier calls the manager who checks it and lets it pass. Another blessing.
Saturday 6th May I add Amanda to my list of recipients for daily Bible verses on "Whatsapp" I also send Andre one but he does not reply. Not surprising as I think he is a bit of an introvert.
7th May - Lydia's eighteenth birthday. Can't believe it she was only ten when I moved to Rustenburg.
8th May the waters have calmed Amanda cuts Ruth and my hair and is very friendly.
13th May Ruth makes a curtain to pin on opening of back door using velcro to keep flies out and prying eyes out as well.
14th May - Sunday - Ruth's birthday and Mother's day as well. Isobel and her husband Andy spend a very pleasant day with us. Isobel shows me how to control data on my new phone.
15th May - Ruth not well again, she overdid it with the visitors. I have a rather large blackish, blueish bruise on the inside of my left arm, a bit worrisome as it has a small hard lump at its centre. Not to worry - my blood test is due on Saturday will speak to nurse at the laboratory.
Tuesday - Ruth spends the day in bed. Wednesday 17th she goes to see her doctor. Her blood pressure is too high - he tells her to cut down on salt - I think she should cut down on sugar as well but she does not agree with me.
I go to sleep early. I haven't been feeling too good for a few days now. Have the runs again. Wake up at 2am and drink some water - I have not been taking in enough liquid. 4am drink some more water and Ruth makes some tea.

Friday Ruth is still ill.
Saturday 20th - blood test day and shopping. Nurse at clinic
not too interested in bruise on
my arm, even though it still looks pretty bad. INR reading is 3.21. Next test is 20th June.
Monday 22nd Ruth finishes insulating doors against the cold. Bruise on my are beginning to fade. I missed a call from Marieta.
Tuesday Ruth overexhausted again.
Marieta phones - she has had cataracts removed from both of her eyes recently . She is happy with the results.
Just remember God is in control. Nothing can happen to us without His consent.
next post 7th August
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