(Mark Cahill's
In the journal Evolution David Kitts
reminded his fellow evolutionists :
Despite the bright promise that paleontology provides
a means of 'seeing ' evolution, it has presented some
nasty difficulties for evolutionists. The most notorious
of which is the presence of some 'gaps' in the fossil
record. Evolution requires intermediate forms between
species, and paleontology does not provide them.
What the fossil record shows instead is
not gradual change but sudden appearance
and stability: most fossil species appear all
at once, fully formed.
According to paleontologist Robert Carroll:
The most striking features of large-scale evolution are
the extremely rapid divergence of lineages near the time
of their origin, followed by long periods in which basic
body plans and ways of life are retained. What is missing
are the many intermediate forms hypothesized by Darwin....
In the period that paleontologists call the "Cambrian explosion" virtually every major animal group appears suddenly from nowhere, with no transitional forms preceding them.
So instead of animals diverging from a common parent , what the fossil record shows is that
all the major groups arose abruptly at one time. Think about that.
Does this evidence support the theory that life evolved gradually, by accident - or does it point to a Creator?
Evolutionists usually argue that the necessary transitional fossils are there but they haven't been found yet, or that they 've been destroyed. When you believe something without having any proof does that fall within the realm of science - or is it faith?
Why would someone choose to believe by faith in evolution, which has no evidential proof - and which in fact , the evidence disproves, - but not believe by faith in a Creator for Whom we do have evidence?
Next post 31st July
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