Mark Cahill's book
Consider some of the amazing aspects of design that are evident in our solar system :
1. The earth is positioned at just the
right distance from the sun, so that
we receive exactly the proper
amount of heat to support life. The
other planets of our solar system
are either too close to the sun (too
hot) or else too far (too cold) to
sustain life.
2. Any appreciable change in the rate
of rotation of the earth would make
life impossible. For example if the
earth were to rotate at 1/10th its
present rate, all plant life would
either be burned to a crisp during
the day or frozen at night.
3. Temperature variations are kept
within reasonable limits due to the
nearly circular orbit of the earth
around the sun.
4. The moon revolves around the
earth at a distance of about
240,000 miles, causing harmless
tides on the earth. If the moon
were located 1/5th of this distance
away, the continents would be
completely submerged twice a day!
5. The thickness of the earth's crust
and the depth of the oceans appear
to be carefully designed. Increases in
thickness or depth of only a few feet
would so drastically alter the
absorbtion of free oxygen and
carbon dioxide that plant and animal
life could not exist.
6. The earth's axis is tilted 23 degrees
from the perpendicular to the plane
of its orbit. This tilting, combined
with the earths revolution around
the sun, causes our seasons, which
are absolutely essential for the
raising of food supplies.
7. The earth's atmosphere, (especially
the ozone layer) , serves as a
protective shield from lethal solar
ultraviolet radiation, which would
otherwise destroy all life.
8. The earth's atmosphere also serves
to protect the earth by burning up
approximately twenty million
meteors each day, that enter it at
speeds of about 30 miles per
second ! Without this crucial
protection, the danger to life would
be immense.
9. The two primary constituents of the
earth's atmosphere are nitrogen
(78 %) and oxygen (20 %). This
delicate and crucial ratio is
essential to all life forms.
10 The earth's magnetic field provides
important protection from harmful
cosmic radiation.
All this happened just by chance? I think someone would have to commit intellectual suicide to believe that.
What does your logic
say as you consider
the evidence?
Even well-known astrophysicist Stephen Hawking concluded:
"The universe and the laws of physics seem to have been specifically designed for us. If any one of about 40 physical qualities had more than slightly different values, life as we know it, could not exist: Either atoms would not be stable, or they wouldn't combine into molecules, or the stars wouldn't form the heavier elements., or the universe would collapse before life could develop, and so on."
Unlike the gentleman on David Letterman's show, many scientists have been willing to honestly, logically, weigh the evidence and have determined that blind chance cannot be given credit for creating our highly ordered universe. Though he remains an evolutionist Hawking admitted, "it would be very difficult to explain why the universe should have begun in just this way, except as the act of a God who intended to create beings like us."
next post 18th July
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