PART 136
(copied from Mark Cahill's Book)
For example, during this conversation, I asked one guy how his relationship with his father was .
He told me, "I hate my father!" He said his father hit him so hard one time that he knocked him out of a window. He told me how his father had put his cigarettes out on him when he was a kid. I then asked him whether there had been any sexual abuse in his life. He told me that when he was fifteen years old, someone else's father had molested him at a Boys Scout Camp. He stated that his homosexual thoughts began at that time.
As he told me this, huge tears welled up in his eyes.
Later that day I talked with a seventeen-year-old, named Alex. He told me he had a terrible relationship with his father. He also said that his uncle had sexually molested him for three years, between the ages of six and eight.

The second major force that puts a child on the road to homosexuality is abuse, usually of a sexual nature. So here we deal with folks who have a tremendous amount of pain in their lives, and we actually
have the answer to their pain.
It is the power , healing, forgiveness and deliverance of Jesus Christ. Yet how many times do we condemn gay people, instead of bringing them the truth that heals?
Help in getting delivered from the homosexual lifestyle can be found both at Exodus Global Alliance (www.exodusglobalalliance.org) and Stephen Bennet Ministries (www.sbministries.org)
Both have lots of great information that you can use to get delivered or to help you share your faith with gays.
next post tomorrow
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