PART 138
(copied from Mark Cahill's Book)
On a recent flight to Dallas, I sat next to a guy who lived in San Francisco, and he had this great French accent. He was born in France but he had lived in the States for the past fifteen years.
We had a great time talking about life and the things of God. He wasn't a believer yet, but he was very open and had a lot of questions. After a while he told me that he wanted to get some work done, but wanted to tell me a story later.
A bit before we landed he put his work away, and told me that six months earlier his father had died. His father had lived in France, and due to the time difference, he hadn't heard of his father's death until about twelve hours later.
On the morning of his father's death he woke up, then fell back to sleep. But it was a sort of in-between state - not really awake and not really
sleeping - and he had this vision of a man talking to him. The man had white hair and was like a televangelist, he said, but so much more than that.
He knew that the man was trying to tell him about God, but he couldn't hear him. I asked him why not, and he told me, "Because I didn't want to listen." Isn't that the truth! Some people just do not want to listen when God is trying to get their attention.
September 11th was a "wake-up call" for
America. Many people began thinking about the things of God. But most of them soon moved away from God, back to the hustle and bustle of life.
Now listen to what happened to this guy on the plane: the dream scene changed. Suddenly he was in a big theatre or auditorium. The same mysterious man was standing on the stage with a lot of people in front of him. People would walk up to him, one at a time.
The guy from the plane was watching all of this from the back of the stage. He said that the man speaking was the same man he had seen before, but now he could see him only from behind. The man had long white flowing hair, and he had a long white flowing robe.

Acts 2:17 which quotes the Old Testament prophet Joel, who said:
"And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh; and your sons and your daughters will prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions.
And also upon the servants, and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out My Spirit. (Joel 2: 28-29)
And God is doing this in these days! I have heard some amazing stories that people have had. I believe that God was trying to reach this unbeliever through his dream. I showed him Revelations 1:14 which describes Jesus by saying "His head and His hair were white like wool, as white as snow ..." Also Mark 9:3 also states that when Jesus was transfigured on the mount His clothes were exeedingly white.
I let this man know that I believed he had seen a vision of the Lord before Whom he would stand one day, So I asked him " are you ready to stand there? Your dad stood there. And I will stand there, and you will stand there."
next post follows
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