PART 143
(copied from Mark Cahill's Book)
Charles Spurgeon said:
If you never have sleepless hours, if you never have weeping eyes, if your hearts never swell as if they would burst, you need not anticipate that you will be called zealous. You do not know the beginning of true zeal, for the foundation of Christian zeal lies in the heart. The heart must be heavy with grief and yet must beat high with holy ardor. The heart must be vehement in desire, panting forever for God's glory, or else we shall never attain to anything like the zeal which God would have us to know.
A great writer of prayer songs wrote:
"It shall be established forever as the moon, and as a faithful witness in heaven. Selah."
(Psalm 89:37)
I was thinking about this verse one day. The moon is a faithful witness in the sky. Now we know from this book's first chapter (on creation) that the moon glorifies God by just being up there in the sky.
We look at the moon and we wonder how it just hangs there . We wonder how finely tuned this universe is, how scientists can tell you the exact day when a full moon or an eclipse will occur. We know that the moon plays a major role with the tides and even the earth's rotation. But to us regular folks, who are not so scientifically orientated the moon does one major thing: it reflects the light of the sun. It can be a crescent moon, a half-moon, or a full-moon. But here is the key; the moon must be correctly angled toward the sun in relation to us in order for people to see the sun's light reflecting from the moon.

We must be angled correctly toward the Son.
When we read the Word of God, obey what we read, pray, worship, and live by what we know, then we reflect the light of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, into other people's lives. People are hungry for truth, and we want to reflect that for them to see.
next post tomorrow 8th June
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