PART 150
(copied from Mark Cahill's Book)
If you give away your shirt, you can go to the store and get another one. If you give away $100 you can get a job and earn the money back. But time is one thing that once it is given away, you can never get it back.
God knows the day you were born and the day you will die. Your time on earth is finite and fleeting; it has a definite limit. But your time is infinite when you walk out of here.
What are you going to do with your time here, to ensure that your eternity is a joy?
Charles Spurgeon said:
Heaven and hell are not far away. You may be in heaven before the clock ticks again it is so near. Oh, that we, instead of trifling about such things because they seem so far away, would solemnly realize them, since they are so very near! This very day, before the sun goes down, some hearer now sitting in this place, may see the realities of heaven and hell.
One of the most amazing things to do is to read what people said right before they died - the last statement they made before their very last breath. You can learn a great deal about what was important to these people by reading what they said. And it might give you some insight about what might have lain in sight for them after they took their very last breath.
These quotes are taken from
the evidence Bible by
Ray Comfort
Cardinal Borgia: "I have provided in the course of my life for everything, except death, and now alas, I am to die unprepared."
Elizabeth the first: "All my possessions for one moment of time."
Thomas Hobbs: (Atheist, author of 'Levithian,'
written to justify the absolute rule of monarchs and the oppression of the people) "I am about to take my last voyage ; a great leap into the dark."
next post follows
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