PART 144
(copied from Mark Cahill's Book)
Charles Spurgeon said:
I am sure of this: It is impossible to know the value of salvation without desiring to see others brought in. Said that renowned preacher Whitfield, "As soon as I was converted, I wanted to be the means of the conversion of all that I had ever known. There were a number of young men with whom I had played cards with, sinned with, and transgressed with. The first thing I did was I went to their houses to see what I could do for their salvation. Nor could I rest until I had seen many of them brought to the Saviour."
I recently spoke at a Bible study in Atlanta. One
of the participants was Ernie Johnson, who hosts the "Inside the NBA" show, on the TNT broadcasting network. He is a very humble man of God, and we had a nice talk afterward. He invited me to come to one of the tapings at the main TNT
studios. So I went there on a Wednesday night. As I pulled into the parking area, I got into a talk with the security guard. He was a faithful churchgoer but he was not 100 per cent assured that he would go to heaven when he died. I signed a book for him and parked my car.
Ernie came and got me and took me up to his office. We had a good talk, but soon he had to go and get ready for the show. So he told one of the ladies who worked there that she should come and talk with me.
She and I had an amazing talk. She was in "search mode" at that point in her life. She had grown up in a Catholic family, but she longed to find the truth for herself. I was signing a book for her when Ernie walked back into the room.
By the way, look for opportunities to reach the lost wherever you go in life. There are opportunities around every corner.
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