
Wednesday, 6 June 2018


                                           ONE HEARTBEAT               AWAY

      PART  141

(copied from Mark Cahill's Book)

People are thirsty for truth. Give them the living water of God to satisfy the thirst in their soul. Get out of your old dead comfort zone. Outside that zone is the only place to really live. I spoke at a youth conference in Tennesee, and here is an abbreviated version of a letter from one of the youth pastors who was there: 

It was New Years eve coming on, On the way home from (the camp) we stopped at a Taco Bell, to have lunch. When we got there a tire blew, so we contacted a mechanic. While waiting for him,  Desi realized a part from the brake had broken off and hit the tire causing it to go flat. 

Well imagine Desi trying to find a part for an old school bus on New Year's eve! AND me stuck at Taco Bell with 19 teenagers -  for nearly four hours!  

This is when miracles started happening. One by one the kids started coming on the bus and getting their One Thing You can't do in Heaven books they had gotten from you. Most kids probably get those books and never read them. But these kids were stuck, so they were sitting there reading them.  Then one by one they started witnessing - at Taco Bell and at the gas station next to it. 

I was surprised when another bus came to pick us up. I asked the driver how this came about, because it had been nearly four hours since my husband left and I still hadn't heard from him. She said that in Knoxville, she happened to overhear my husband describing our problem, and since she owned a fleet of buses she decided to come pick us up and take us back to our motel.

The kids all starting chipping in whatever money they had left, which paid for another night at the motel - after the manager kindly  gave us a discount. Then those kids were so on fire for Jesus that the manager actually had to talk to us because he had some complaints about too many people talking about Jesus!  (It turned out to be only one man after we asked for specifics.)

That night turned out to be the most blessed of all. The kids said that book changed their lives. They were talking about how they were scared to death to witness at first, and how it got easier the more they did it. They started getting really burdened for people back home in Indiana. 

They wanted to do that thing where they make lists of each grade and make it a goal to speak to each kid about Jesus.
It was soooooooooooo awesome how God worked it all out, Mark.What a blessing!

next post tomorrow  7th June

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